How To Prioritize Wellness: An Essential Strategy For Living A Premium Life

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In our fast-paced and demanding world, getting caught up in pursuing success, material wealth, and external achievements is easy. Amid our ambitious endeavors, we often neglect our most valuable asset: well-being. Our well-being truly holds the key to our happiness in life. Looking at the eight pillars of Wellness: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational, financial, and environmental, we can see that if one area is not receiving enough attention or is wholly neglected, it causes inharmonious energy for all of the pillars. This is different from saying everything is perfectly balanced at all times. Still, if you notice that, for a while, you have given much attention to one area and another could use a little extra love, then finding the time to prioritize that space is essential to nurture it back to its homeostasis.

Overall, Wellness is the key to truly living a premium lifestyle, and why the wellness industry has had quite the uptick in recent years. According to this McKinsey & Company article, the global wellness market was estimated in 2021 at $1.5 trillion US dollars with a 5- 10% annual growth rate, according to this McKinsey & Company article. More and more companies are prioritizing wellness initiatives for not only their consumers but also their companies for employees. New apps and memberships are available to cultivate mindfulness or fitness. Clean beauty is seeing its day as more people opt for products with less harmful chemicals. Even wellness travel is trending, where 73% of this Fast Company survey respondents say they are planning a vacation to improve physical and emotional health. Medical spas are seeing a boost in beauty procedures as people are out in the world again.

Here, we will explore why making Wellness a top priority is essential and the ultimate strategy for attaining a life of unparalleled richness, vitality, and fulfillment.


  • The Foundation of Premium Living

  • Wellness Isn’t Selfish

  • Enhanced Productivity and Success

  • Cultivating Mindful Presence

  • Inspiring Others and Leaving a Legacy

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Wellness forms the solid foundation upon which a premium lifestyle is built. Pursuing success and luxury becomes only possible with optimal physical, mental, and emotional well-being. When we prioritize Wellness, we cultivate a resilient and vibrant state that enables us to excel in all areas of life. It becomes the bedrock upon which we can construct our dreams and aspirations. By prioritizing Wellness, we nourish our bodies and minds and open doors to a higher level of living – a lifestyle defined by thriving rather than merely surviving. Therefore, embedding wellness practices into our daily routine is not an indulgence; it's an investment, a commitment to ourselves that pays dividends in the form of a deeply satisfying, fruitful, and luxurious life.

As we build this foundation, we need to look into all dimensions of Wellness and do what is called a Life Audit. You can read about Life Audits here. A Life Audit is a self-assessment process that allows you to understand various aspects of your life better, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make informed decisions on improving your overall well-being and satisfaction. Benefits of a Life Audit include gaining self-awareness around your current situation, goals, and priorities, and what you value. This will allow you to identify areas for improvement, allowing for goal setting and focus. For example, if you feel happy at work but not with your physical Wellness, then prioritizing going to the gym or following a nutrition plan can do wonders in balancing that aspect of your holistic Wellness. Once you have figured out where your focus needs to go, you can enhance your decision-making as you are armed with a better understanding of your needs and goals.


As I say, "You can't pour from an empty cup." It's essential to make sure you are prioritizing yourself to give to and help others. When running on empty, we are not beneficial to those around us or ourselves. Many realize now that hustling to exhaustion or prioritizing everything over ourselves is no longer the way to live. Practicing Wellness and self-care isn't selfish; understanding this is crucial in implementing a wellness lifestyle. Taking care of ourselves allows us to do better in our jobs, with our family and friends, and overall be a better person. Giving to ourselves allows us to give to others, and by doing so, it enables us to enhance our life experience in this world.

Wellness is the key that unlocks our true potential. When prioritizing our well-being, we tap into a wellspring of energy, focus, and creativity. A healthy body and a clear mind are essential prerequisites for peak performance in any endeavor. By nurturing our Wellness, we elevate our capabilities, allowing us to push boundaries, achieve greatness, and surpass our expectations.


Contrary to the misconception that focusing on Wellness detracts from productivity and success, prioritizing Wellness enhances our ability to perform at our best. We improve our energy levels, cognitive function, and overall vitality by taking care of our physical health through regular exercise, nourishing our bodies with wholesome nutrition, and prioritizing restful sleep. This heightened well-being allows us to approach our work with greater focus, efficiency, and creativity, propelling us toward unparalleled success. We can also nourish our minds by learning something new or reading a few pages a day to expand our thinking and for enjoyment. Writing is another way to help us sift through our minds and untangle our thoughts, leaving us clear and more focused. These activities are all part of overall Wellness. They can leave us feeling understanding, satisfaction, and accomplishment, allowing us to tend to our days more productively.

Bathtub with blue water and flower petals in the water. Hydrangea, orange rose and orange slices with candles on the edge.



Wellness is not solely about physical health but also our mental and emotional well-being. By prioritizing Wellness, we cultivate the art of mindful presence. We learn to be fully present in each moment, appreciating the richness of life and experiencing a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. This state of mindfulness empowers us to navigate challenges with grace, savor life's pleasures, and cultivate lasting joy. Mindfulness is an enriching activity that involves paying deliberate attention to the present moment without judgment. It allows you to fully engage with whatever you are doing or experiencing rather than being lost in thought or worry. When our minds are racing with thoughts about conversations in the past or what needs to be done in the future, we create a space of chaos for our brains to live in. Engaging in a mindful presence lets us be in the moment. We can enjoy the moment and experience it to its fullest. Ways to cultivate mindful presence are meditation, conscious breathing, walking, mindful listening when you're with friends, or yoga and tai chi, to name a few. There are many other ways to be present and to cultivate the moment you are in. Sometimes, just slowing down and counting to 10 can be enough to bring you back to yourself.


We become beacons of inspiration for those around us when we care for ourselves and implement Wellness into our lifestyles. Our commitment to well-being can influence others to embrace their wellness journeys, creating a ripple effect extending far beyond ourselves. Furthermore, when we prioritize Wellness, we ensure that we have the energy, vitality, and longevity to impact the world, leaving behind a legacy of well-being and inspiring others to follow in our footsteps. Practicing a wellness lifestyle allows you to lead by example, which gives an air of confidence that cultivates respect from others. Taking care of oneself often will let others feel they are allowed to improve their well-being. Or it can give others the "permission" they need or the willpower to implement their wellness goals. Sometimes, we can't see our impact on those around us, but believe me, if a butterfly can flap its wings across the globe, or so the saying goes.


In pursuing a premium living, prioritizing Wellness is not a mere luxury but an absolute necessity. By placing our well-being at the forefront of our lives, we create a solid foundation upon which a life of abundance, success, and fulfillment can be built. So, let us consciously prioritize our Wellness, embracing its transformative power. Let us unlock our true potential, find balance, cultivate a mindful presence, and inspire others to embark on their wellness journeys. By doing so, we can authentically live a premium lifestyle that radiates vibrancy, purpose, and profound well-being, leading us to true self-empowerment.

Are you looking for more Wellness related products? Check out my store, Wellness is a Lifestyle™!


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