About Me

I am so glad you are here!

Hello! I'm Zoë Alexandra, your Lifestyle Health & Wellness Coach committed to guiding you through a holistic transformation.

My wellness journey began while grappling with my own health challenges—I was super stressed, I couldn’t focus, my stomach hurt all of the time, and I had skin conditions that just kept getting worse. Traditional approaches weren’t working and I didn’t see how the bandaids I was putting on my situation were going to hold up long term.

The turning point came when I shifted my focus to addressing the root causes through a holistic perspective and incorporating the 8 Pillars of Wellness. This lifestyle overhaul not only restored my clarity, energy, and balance but also transformed my skin and overall health, fundamentally changing my entire approach to life.

Today, as a certified coach, I am passionate about helping high-achieving women like you achieve transformative health and well-being. My mission is to empower you to effectively manage stress, enhance your mental clarity, and establish enduring health habits. With a holistic and customized approach, I aim to guide you through a personal transformation that not only enhances your well-being but also elevates your everyday life—equipping you with the tools to succeed in both your personal and professional life.